a logo for down south big band with music notes and a trombone

Australia Day Breakfast Saturday 26th January 2019

January 25, 2019
Come down South Road towards the Nepean Highway and enter with a left hand turn into 999 Nepean Hwy Service Road. Parking entrance to the side of the main hall... CLICK ON PHOTO TO ENLARGE
Australia Day Breakfast
Kingston City Hall
(Grand Hall)
979-985 Nepean Hwy,
Moorabbin VIC 3189
7:45 am to 10:45 am (Morning!)
[Arrive 7 to 7:15 am!]

Playing two brackets of 45 mins. 
1. 7:45 am to 8:30 am
2. 10.00 am to 10:45 am

Dress - all black with RED ties supplied
Please bring your own BLACK stand and light

Parking and access to TBC
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